Leaf sculptures
Each leaf is individually hand-sculpted. They commonly arise from leaves I’ve either collected or photographed on my walks. Occasionally, as in the Acanthus Leaves on Slate, they are inspired by other artists; I have always loved the work of William and May Morris as well as others from the Arts and Craft and Art Nouveau Movements.
I use a variety of clay bodies; porcelain, buff stoneware and white and black stoneware. I occasionally use glazes, notably the crackle glaze used on the maple leaves and oxides. A common motif you will see running throughout my work is that of the waterdrop. Mother of pearl and gold lustre are used to highlight, and enhance the natural clay.

Organic Bowls
Stoneware Organic Bowls- a variety of designs and sizes, initially inspired by the lichen and fungal forms found within the valley. Textural detail in the stoneware forms is highlighted by the use of oxides which complements, and often reacts with, the internal crystalline glaze.

Organic Bowls in Porcelain – These are a particular favourite of mine. I love working in porcelain and particularly using glazes and lustres to enhance the unglazed surfaces. With these pieces the exteriors are textured; again influences from fungi and also bark patterning. The bowls are glazed inside with a crystalline glaze, with different underglaze colours beneath.

Porcelain Foliage Tiles
These relief foliage, hand formed, tiles are inspired by those creeping, trailing plants of the garden. They are unglazed, but enhanced by the use of gold and mother of pearl lustre and many feature the impressions of plants from my garden. Certain ranges are mounted onto hand cut slate, like my Foliage Letter Tiles which make great presents for weddings, anniversaries, special birthdays or even christenings. I’m always very happy to discuss commissions.

Cyanotypes ~ originals, mounted, framed and cards
I am a keen amateur photographer. I regularly photograph the valley and plant life. This has fed into the development of my ceramics and I have become interested in the technique known as cyanotype, sometimes referred to as ‘sun prints’. These have revealed beautiful details in some plant structures and forms and make stunning artworks in themselves. I have a range of cards available based on some of the cyanotypes of plants from my garden. Occasionally I will have mounted or framed originals.